Goethite Quartz Twin Soulmate Crystal with Isis face 9

  • R 70.00
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Goethite Quartz Twin with Isis face, light smoky appearance.  Size:  4cm x 2.5cm  Weight:  14gr

An Isis face is a crystal face with five sides. The five faces have perfect or near perfect symmetry.

 Isis face crystals assist us with connection with Goddess energy. They help us connect to Divine Feminine
energy, use a crystal with an Isis face to connect to the Goddess Isis herself, or the Goddess within you.
 Isis face crystals have a very nurturing energy to them and encourage empathy for others.
 It is said that the 5 sides symbolize the relationship between the 4 elements and ourselves.

A twin is a crystal that has two terminations caused by two crystals growing parallel from the same base. Twin crystals are also called Tantric Twins or Soulmate crystals. 

 Can aid us in any relationship: family, significant others, friends.
 Attract divine connections: working with these crystals can attract soulmates or soul family to our lives.
 Helps us to find the heart of any issue, safely discuss them, and problem solve how to heal or fix it.

Properties of Goethite: Meditating with Goethite feels like being suspended in still, silent point of non-action and non-doing.  With Goethite, you simply are.  Resonates with the number 44, the number of metamorphosis.  Purifies the emotional body, releasing hooks and past-life feelings about yourself that no longer serve your purpose.  Enhances the flow of energy around the body.  Assists the physical body in recovery following any kind of trauma.  Strongly attuned to the healing power of nature, devas and the anima terra.

Properties of Quartz:  Magnifies the properties of crystals around it.  Cleanses, protects and increases the auric field, sealing any holes.  The most powerful healing & energy amplifier on the planet.  Clear Quartz works on all levels of being, it harmonizes all the chakras.  It aids concentration & unlocks memory.  It stimulates the immune system & brings the body into balance. 

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