The stone for self-sabotage

Posted by Sonia Brancato on

Tourmalinated Quartz or Tourmaline Quartz or Tourmalated Quartz, call it what you want but this stone's healing properties are phenomenal but what do you expect with the combination of Quartz and Black Tourmaline!

Spiritually Tourmaline quartz helps to integrate and heal the shadow energies, alleviating self-sabotage. It is an effective problem-solver. Makes it possible to reconcile opposites. It helps us both to accept ourselves as we are and to fulfil our own ideals.

Emotionally Tourmaline quartz helps to settle inner struggles and to resolve conflicts. It helps us to resolve impossible dilemmas and to develop emotional balance and serenity

Mentally Tourmaline quartz helps us to recognize the causes of mishaps and failures and the reasons for our strengths and successes.

Physically Tourmaline quartz strikes the right balance between tension and relaxation. It eases pain, tension and breathing blockages, reinvigorates fatigue and listlessness, stimulates digestion and excretion, promotes regeneration and keeps us looking young and vital.


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