Black Obsidian: The Mirror - Stone of Truth

Posted by Sonia Brancato on

Black Obsidian: The Mirror - Stone of Truth

Strictly speaking this stone is not a crystal but volcanic glass, formed when lava cools too quickly to form crystalline structures. (Game of Thrones obsessives out there will know this as Dragon glass, the only thing that could defeat the white walkers!) In the Stone Age it was used to create arrowheads, spears and cutting tools.

A “mirror stone” for those prepared to look deep into the inner being, the subconscious, to reveal one’s shadow self…flaws, weaknesses, fears, all. Nothing is hidden from Obsidian.

This shamanic stone can be brutal and direct, yet it carries the wonderful power of catharsis and deep soul healing. It reveals the reasons behind one’s imperfections and causes of dis-ease, and provides a clear picture of the changes needed to ameliorate them.

Why you need Obsidian:

Protection:  Considered a very personal stone of protection, Obsidian is generally bought, kept and worn by one person only. It is a marvelous talisman to shield gentle souls and those who are highly sensitive. Wear as jewelry or carry to keep others from offloading their problems onto you or making excessive demands on your time.

Relieve stress:  Ease tension in the muscles, and improve circulation and artery health. It accelerates the healing of wounds, bruises and sprains, and assists with pain relief.

Heals a wounded spirit:  Dissolves shocks, fear, blocks and trauma especially from verbal and physical abuse. Calms and soothes while opening the door to change. Good for grieving.

Bullying:  Wear an Obsidian arrow on a necklace to counter bullying in any form, whether for you or a family member, and keep it with you until the bullying stops.

Obsidian draws one inward to the center of the Self, to the place of truth. It is a stone of integrity and deep soul cleansing, anchoring the spirit into the body to stimulate growth on all levels. It blocks harmful intentions by providing a shield for the aura, and is an excellent shamanic tool for removing blockages and debris from the past. Obsidian brings clarity to the mind, discharging confusion and constricting beliefs, and encourages exploration of the unknown. It is highly effective for expanding consciousness in the meditative state and for activating untapped abilities.

Cleansing your Obsidian:  Obsidian must be cleansed after each use. Water is the best method, if you live near the sea or river, if not running water will do. Sound cleansing, soaking your crystal in saltwater overnight, leaving it out in the full moon, or burying it in dry soil for several hours.  

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