What is a crystal body layout grid? - You'll never look back after using it - find out more here...

Posted by Sonia Brancato on

You’ve heard of crystal grids but have you heard of a crystal body layout? It is a crystal grid but with you lying in the middle! It’s one of my favourite ways to use crystals for healing. People often tell me about their collection of crystals but are often not sure how to put them to good use. Sure, wearing crystal jewellery, having crystals on your shelf, next to your bed, on your desk etc. is beneficial but these stones can do so much more for you and I would love for you to try the crystal body layout. It’s a great way to enfold yourself in crystal energies - it will help you to reach a deeper state of meditation and deep relaxation inducing a sense of well-being and leaving you feel blissful but grounded. The crystals rebalance your subtle energies and re-energize the body. Grids are an ancient, time-honoured way to contain and build the power of healing energy. People have used them for centuries as can be seen in well-known sites such as Stonehenge in England; the French Carnac stones; and ancient temples and pyramids in Egypt, Greece, Mexico, Hawaii, Peru and the rest of South America. Not forgetting our very own Adam’s Calendar in Mpumalanga, South Africa. I have put a few inexpensive body layouts together which can be used for balance, revitalisation or protection and they come with full instructions on how to set yourself up. I will be adding more in the coming weeks so keep checking your inbox for updates. Here are a few to start you off: https://theartofenergy.co.za/search?type=product&q=grid

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